The Healing Power of Light

The Healing Power of Light

Natural light from the Sun does not only contain visible light, but also light from a wide spectrum of wavelengths. When we go out on a sunny day, we absorb all of the sun’s rays to help stimulate metabolism and produce bone-strengthening vitamin D. A large proportion of the sun’s energy is in the invisible…

What is Osteoarthritis?

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that becomes more common as people age. It is, however, not limited to only the seniors as the young are also known to have experienced osteoarthritis. Osteo (bone) arthritis (joint disorders) refers to the breakdown of joint cartilage which acts as a cushion for impact between the two bones it connects. For…

Top 5 Reasons Knee Pain is an Epidemic

Top 5 Reasons Knee Pain is an Epidemic

Some conversations with ourselves can be tough as we have a tendency to shun things that we feel ashamed of. However, you’re here because you’re genuine about finding a real solution to the knee pain that has been plaguing you for a while. If you’ve been experiencing knee pains in your daily activities, then you…